Worker Wednesday: July 5 and Arizona’s Joy Seitz


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

WORKER SPOTLIGHT (via CE4AEF’s #FacesofCleanEnergy program)

Joy Seitz is currently the chief executive officer and owner of American Solar and Roofing. She’s been in the industry for 14 years, and she lives in Arizona.

Why is clean energy important to you? “I love being a part of a disruptive sector and changing the type of fuel people use to live their life.”

How does clean energy impact your community? More jobs. Clearer environment.”

Read more about Joy at

SHAREABLE JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS (Here’s sample social to amplify news of this growing workforce.)

  • South Carolina: BMW breaks ground on new Woodruff battery plant 

    • [🖱CLICK TO TWEET] Don't tell anyone, but South Carolina could become America's #CleanEnergy Champ... The latest proof? @BMWGroup's new #EV battery plant, which brings 300 good-paying jobs! Some powerful headwinds continue, thanks to @POTUS' Affordable #CleanEnergy Plan.

    • [🖱CLICK TO TWEET] 👀 300 jobs you say??? Yup that's correct: Hundreds of good-paying #cleanenergy jobs are coming to South Carolina via @BMW's new #EV battery plant. Yet another U.S. manufacturing win following @POTUS' Affordable #CleanEnergy Plan.


Clean Energy Spotlight: Joy E. Seitz


Clean Energy Spotlight: Samuel Pittman