STATEMENT: CE4A Tells Congress, “Don’t Quit on Clean Energy”


December 20, 2021

Press Contact: Abby Grehlinger,, (856) 340-6656

Clean Energy for America to Congress: Don’t Quit on Clean Energy

(Washington, DC) — Over the weekend, Senator Manchin backed out of the Build Back Better deal, stalling the enactment of crucial federal investments in clean energy 

In response, Andrew Reagan, Executive Director of Clean Energy for America released the following statement charting the path forward on clean energy: 

“While we are extremely disappointed that Senator Manchin backed out of the Build Back Better deal over the weekend after months of grueling negotiations, we remain committed to securing bold investments in clean energy to create jobs and economic growth in communities across the country. Whether these investments come from the Build Back Better Act or something new, we cannot afford for Congress to quit on clean energy. Communities nationwide need good paying clean energy jobs, lower monthly energy bills, and meaningful investments in climate and clean energy now. Clean energy is the present and the future of American energy. If our federal leaders quit now, energy prices will increase, we will lose thousands of job opportunities, and will miss the moment to tackle climate change. Failure at this moment is simply not an option.”  



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