STATEMENT: CE4A on Anniversary of Biden Administration Climate Executive Order

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Andrew Reagan,

(Washington, D.C.)  – Thursday is the one-year anniversary of President Biden signing an executive order to tackle climate change and promote clean energy. In recognition, CE4A’s Executive Director Andrew Reagan released the following statement:

“It’s been a historic year for climate and clean energy. President Biden’s climate executive orders represented a clean break from the failed energy and workforce policies of his predecessor. President Biden’s actions set us on a better, more equitable, and more sustainable path. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act included the largest investment in clean energy transmission in U.S. history, but we still have a long way to go. 

Congress must act to accelerate the growth of clean energy deployment, and invest in emerging technologies and domestic manufacturing. Advancing clean energy will make a lasting difference in the lives of families across the country through job creation and lower monthly energy bills. The climate and clean energy investments in the Build Back Better Act will give clean energy businesses a decade-long runway to grow and launch a domestic clean energy manufacturing renaissance, yet they’re stalled. Failing to deliver these investments to the American people is not an option. 

“The Senate must move quickly to pass the historic climate and clean energy provisions in Build Back Better to promote American energy security and tackle our country’s supply chain challenges.”


Clean Energy for America: CE4A amplifies the voice of the clean energy workforce in advocating for policies and leaders to advance just, equitable and rapid decarbonization. CE4A is 501(c)4 organization.


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