RELEASE: “A Fundamentally Safer America” — Veterans Champion the Power of Clean Energy in CE4A Six-Figure Digital Ad Buy

Monday, April 4, 2022

Andrew Reagan,

“A Fundamentally Safer America”: Veterans Champion the Power of Clean Energy in CE4A Six-Figure Digital Ad Buy

(Washington, D.C.) – On Tuesday, April 5, Clean Energy for America (CE4A) will launch  a six-figure ad buy featuring testimonials of veterans from several branches of the U.S. military on why renewable power is the best option for achieving American energy security. 

The ads will run on digital platforms like YouTube and Facebook, and they’ll be targeted at policymakers and leaders in Washington, D.C. These follow a letter that ran in the New York Times on Sunday, in which 50 American veterans called on Congress to deliver real energy security through clean power.

“Energy security and independence are national security imperatives, and nobody knows that better than America’s veterans,” said Andrew Reagan, executive director of Clean Energy for America. “They recognize that our country’s over-dependence on oil and gas can enable dictators like Vladimir Putin and threaten stability across the world and markets here at home. Veterans know we can’t drill our way to energy security, and we want to be sure they’re being heard in the halls of Washington, D.C.”

In the ads, the three veterans demand a swift transition away from fossil fuels, and they urge Congress to pass clean energy legislation to protect American national security. As a Navy veteran named Andrea said: “A clean energy future is fundamentally a safer America.”

The two videos, “A Safer America” and “Oath”, are available below and on CE4A’s YouTube page.

The transcripts of the videos are available below.

“A Safer America”

I'm a veteran and I served in the Navy. I'm an Army veteran. I served in the U.S. Air Force. It's time for us to get off of our dependence on foreign oil. The longer we wait…the more time dictators have to do…unconscionable things across the world. It’s a national security issue. We need to invest here at home in clean energy. We need to move forward. A clean energy future is, fundamentally, a safer America.


Our dependence on foreign oil is very personal to me and to a lot of combat veterans out there. We need to invest here at home in clean energy. We need to move forward. Clean energy is a lot more than just economics. It's about our fundamental national security. [Congress] swore an oath to protect and defend… by not passing…clean energy legislation, they're not living up to that oath. A clean energy future is, fundamentally, a safer America.


Clean Energy for America: CE4A amplifies the voice of the clean energy workforce in advocating for policies and leaders that advance a just, equitable and rapid decarbonization. CE4A is a 501(c)4 organization.


RELEASE: “The more clean energy we make, the safer we’ll be,” says former Navy Secretary in new, six-figure ad buy from CE4A affiliate


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