Worker Wednesday: July 12 and New York’s Bruno Gransard


Wednesday, July 12, 2023

WORKER SPOTLIGHT (via CE4AEF’s #FacesofCleanEnergy program)

Bruno Gransard is the managing director for Midori Climate Capital & Services, with 20 years of experience in the industry. He lives in New York.

What did you do before entering clean energy? “Entrepreneurship and investment management.”

Why should Congress invest in clean energy jobs, not fossil fuel jobs? “Because the multiplier effect of clean energy investments on jobs, health, national security and climate are much, much, much higher than for fossil fuels.”

Read more about Bruno at

SHAREABLE JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS (Here’s sample social to amplify news of this growing workforce.)

  • Arizona: Solar module manufacturer expanding production after two agreements 

    • [🖱Click To Tweet] ☀️ Is Phoenix becoming a #solar manufacturing hub? Thanks to @POTUS' affordable #cleanenergy plan, #Arizona is booming with #solar investments that are creating hundreds of jobs!   

    • [🖱Click To Tweet] Hey, Phoenix, don't hog all the #cleanenergy jobs! says their local #solar plant will be bigger than previously announced: 400 jobs by 2024! #CleanEnergyAtWork 💪

    • [🖱Click To Tweet] Don’t miss the latest good manufacturing news resulting from @POTUS' affordable #cleanenergy plan: #Solar manufacturer @meyerburger already announces plans to grow the factory they're constructing in Phoenix. 400 jobs by 2024!


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