RELEASE: CE4A Launches Six-Figure Ad Buy in 11 States Celebrating New Jobs and Savings from Inflation Reduction Act

(Washington, D.C.) – This week, Clean Energy for America (CE4A) launched a six-figure advertising campaign in 11 states to highlight the cost savings and job creation that people across the U.S. will enjoy as a result of the recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act and its $369 billion investment in clean energy.

The digital ads will run through the fall, and they’ll reach consumers in Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. “We know that every state in this country is going to benefit from the Inflation Reduction Act, and we want to elevate those stories and celebrate them,” said Andrew Reagan, executive director of CE4A. “Whether it’s a new or expanded factory that’s creating jobs or new home upgrades that’s helping consumers save money on their energy bills, we’re excited to spotlight the ways that people across the U.S. and especially in these states are benefitting from clean energy — thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act.”

Along with ads in those 11-states, CE4A will also run nationwide ads on Facebook. Altogether, the ads will promote stories of new jobs and factories, like these ones covered in Grist or TechCrunch, and stories of new consumer savings, like this in CNBC.


Clean Energy for America: Clean Energy for America is of, for, and by the rapidly emerging clean energy workforce. Led by some of the most influential leaders across the industry, CE4A has operations across the country, mobilizing the clean energy industry for grassroots engagement – carrying forward the momentum and demand for a clean energy economy.

Contact: Kris Fetterman,


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