RELEASE: Business Leaders Urge Congress to Invest in Clean Energy to Lower Costs

(Washington, D.C.) – As fossil-fuel driven inflation continues to hurt consumers, business leaders urged Congress and the Biden administration to rescue consumers’ pocketbooks by investing in clean energy. They join a nationwide push from companies asking Congress to lower prices, cut pollution, create jobs, and accelerate the nation’s energy transition by passing long-stalled clean energy tax incentives and investments.

“There are big costs to having our economy depend on fossil fuels, not just to national security but to people’s financial wellbeing. If we want to help consumers and families on tight budgets, Congress must boost clean energy,” said Andrew Reagan, executive director of Clean Energy for America.

Research clearly links clean energy with consumer savings. Drivers of electric vehicles spend half as much on repairs and maintenance costs as drivers of gas-powered cars, according to a report by Consumer Reports. And if enacted, clean energy investments and tax credits could save the average household $500 a year. In fact, those investments would be so broadly valuable, they’d generate as much as $4 for every $1 spent, according to researchers with the University of Chicago and the Rhodium Group.

Below are quotes from company leaders urging Congress to act on clean energy.

  • CleanChoice Energy: “CleanChoice and the clean energy sector are building the technology to cut costs and climate emissions. It’s time to unleash the American clean energy future and pass the House-passed Reconciliation Bill for $555 billion of clean energy investments. The Bill will unlock a massive leap forward for our country and our economy, creating millions of lucrative jobs, easing our dependence on unstable regimes, and reducing inflationary pressure on energy prices,” said Tom Matzzie, founder and CEO.

  • Sunrun: "This is a break-the-glass moment for our planet and country. Now is the time for Congress to make a historic investment in clean energy. The need for U.S. energy independence has never been more clear; no other country can dictate when the sun shines on America. By investing in clean energy and U.S. manufacturing, we can create good jobs, meet our climate goals and advance our energy security. But Congress must act, and the time is now,” said Mary Powell, CEO.

  • Qcells North America: “My company is the largest solar manufacturer in America, but the U.S. lags greatly behind the rest of the world in this industry. The clean energy incentive package will change this by expanding U.S. clean energy manufacturing, improving our supply chains, and significantly lowering energy prices. We urge Congress to come together to pass this legislation as soon as possible. Our future depends on it,” said Scott Moskowitz, head of market strategy and public affairs.

  • Carbon Collective: “Here’s the good news. We can solve climate change. We know what we have to do — electrify everything and eliminate fossil fuel use. Solar, wind, batteries, smart grids, and electric vehicles have already been proven to make financial sense. Much of the rest will get there soon. We just need to move fast enough,” said Zach Stein, co-founder.

  • Sense: “To accelerate the energy transition, we need to reduce carbon emissions rapidly and substantially. Sense’s recent funding demonstrates that capital markets are already investing in innovations that can engage millions of consumers to reduce their homes’ carbon footprints while saving energy and money. By investing in smart upgrades in homes, we not only reduce carbon emissions, we also generate local jobs and spur the next wave of climate tech manufacturing. Now we look to our leaders in Congress to act so that people everywhere can take advantage of clean, affordable energy in their homes. The $555 billion of clean energy investments from the House-passed reconciliation bill could help eliminate fossil fuels from homes and vehicles, while saving the average American household over $500 in energy costs annually.”

  • Novonix: “As a leading domestic supplier of battery-grade synthetic graphite pioneering large scale, clean production in North America, NOVONIX offers battery makers a major supply chain advantage: superior performance and industry-leading environmental standards at a globally competitive cost structure. We are expanding domestic production and soon employing thousands in good-paying clean energy jobs. The time is now to recognize and invest in domestic infrastructure and supply-chain resilience that supports next generation battery technologies onshore. The success of our industry is essential to U.S. competitiveness and national security in the 21st century.”

  • Volta Charging: “Charging your car is 3-5x cheaper than pumping gas, but this benefit depends on accessible EV charging. That’s why Volta is proud to offer our intelligent, convenient public charging network built around the places people go. And our work with states and electric utilities to site and deploy charging stations in EJ communities ensures this benefit is available to all. Today, we join the broad clean energy coalition in calling on Congress to unlock more EV investments so we can further accelerate the shift to electric. #ActOnClimate.”


Clean Energy for America: CE4A amplifies the voice of the clean energy workforce in advocating for policies and leaders to advance just, equitable and rapid decarbonization. CE4A is 501(c)4 organization.


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