STATEMENT: CE4A’s Andrew Reagan on House Republican Debt Ceiling Ploy and Repeal of Job-Creating Inflation Reduction Act

(Washington, D.C.) – In response to the news that House Republicans are threatening to refuse to raise the debt ceiling unless the Congress repeals the cost-cutting, job-creating Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), CE4A Executive Director Andrew Reagan released the following statement:

“Instead of presenting serious solutions, House Republicans are gambling with the American people’s financial well-being. They’re refusing to pay the nation’s bills and raise the debt ceiling unless Congress and the Biden administration agree to repeal job-creating provisions of the Affordable Clean Energy Plan, including the Inflation Reduction Act. The IRA has already spurred $150 billion in new investments and over 100,000 newly announced jobs. Repealing the law would endanger those good-paying jobs and undermine America’s energy security.”

“It’s completely unacceptable to attack America’s clean energy workers, who power our country. House Republicans should join with others in Congress and the administration to raise the debt ceiling without delay — and without threatening good-paying jobs in their districts.”


Clean Energy for America: CE4A was formed to be a voice for the clean energy workforce, a new powerhouse of energy stakeholders, who overwhelmingly support ambitious action on climate to grow our economy and create jobs. Clean Energy for America is of, for, and by the rapidly emerging clean energy workforce. Led by some of the most influential leaders across the industry, CE4A has operations across the country, mobilizing the clean energy industry for grassroots engagement – carrying forward the momentum and demand for a clean energy economy.


Clean Energy Companies and Leaders Oppose House Republican’s Default Ploy to Defund Clean Energy Jobs and the Inflation Reduction Act


STATEMENT: CE4A’s Andrew Reagan on EPA LDV and HDV Standards