Clean Energy for America Statement Opposing SCOTUS’ Ruling Against Chevron Deference

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, the conservative-led U.S. Supreme Court decided 6-3 in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo to overturn Chevron deference, the legal basis for America to make strong environmental protections, an authority that administrations of both parties have relied upon for decades. In response, CE4A Executive Director Andrew Reagan released the following statement: 

 “This decision is another sad, conservative giveaway to dying oil and gas interests, made at the expense of U.S. consumers and energy innovation. Making it harder to enact limits on dirty air and water, as this ruling will undoubtedly do, will only serve to prop up those incumbent fossil fuel companies. It will not lower prices or help workers. Only boosting clean energy technologies can do that. But thankfully, the market for U.S. clean energy remains strong and growing, boosted by the Biden administration’s Affordable Clean Energy Plan. America needs more of that: building things for consumers and workers, not tearing them down for special interest, as the Court has done today.”


Clean Energy for America: CE4A is the voice for the clean energy workforce, a broad coalition of clean energy stakeholders, who overwhelmingly support ambitious action on climate to grow our economy and create jobs. Clean Energy for America is of, for, and by the rapidly emerging clean energy workforce. Led by some of the most influential leaders across the industry, CE4A has operations across the country, mobilizing the clean energy industry for grassroots engagement – carrying forward the momentum and demand for a clean energy economy.


Alyssa Cortes,


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