CE4A Statement: Trump Threatens 9 Million U.S. Jobs By Promising to “Rescind” Clean Energy Investments

WASHINGTON, DC — On Thursday, POLITICO and others reported that former President Donald Trump pledged to “rescind all unspent funds under the…Inflation Reduction Act.” In response, CE4A Action’s Andrew Reagan released the following statement:

“Don’t be mistaken: The former president is all but promising to destroy 9 million U.S. clean energy jobs, sending many of them overseas to foreign competitors. That’s because experts expect the Inflation Reduction Act investments in clean energy to create 9 million U.S. jobs over the next 10 years. In fact, the law has already sparked over 300,000 clean energy jobs in just the last two years.  All these jobs are at risk, if the former president sees these the investments disappear. His promise — no doubt informed by his billion dollar demand to big oil companies — would shutter new factories, hinder job creation, send U.S. jobs overseas and jeopardize American leadership. in the global clean energy market. Defending the clean energy investments that have already led to billions in economic growth is critical.”


CE4A Action is a federal political action committee working to support and elevate candidates who will advance the fight for clean energy investments, climate action, and environmental justice. Programs and activities include fundraisers and events, volunteer mobilization, and GOTV efforts.


Alyssa Cortes, comms@ceforamerica.org


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