STATEMENT: CE4A Applauds House Passage of Build Back Better Act, with Historic Investments in Clean Energy, Urges Senate to Act Now


November 19, 2021

Contact: Andrew Reagan,, (317) 607-5649

Clean Energy For America Applauds House Passage of Build Back Better Act, with Historic Investments in Clean Energy, Urges Senate to Act Now

(Washington, DC) -- Following the passage of the Build Back Better Act by the House of Representatives, Clean Energy For America (CE4A) applauds the historic investments contained in the bills and urges the Senate to quickly send it to President Biden’s desk.

“The passage of President Biden’s Build Back Better Act in the House of Representatives brings us one step closer to empowering clean energy businesses, workers, and entrepreneurs working hard to deliver the most innovative and accessible clean energy technologies to the American people. Combined with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Package, these historic bills will accelerate the growth of this critical sector of our economy. By delivering historic long-term investments in clean energy in these bills, the House of Representatives is delivering on President Biden’s promise that the jobs of the future will be good-paying clean energy jobs.

The clean energy sector already supports millions of jobs and the BBBA will create as many as 679,000 new good-paying jobs annually, for both big and small businesses, while lowering energy bills to save families money. The Senate must follow the House’s lead and act now to pass the Build Back Better Act and deliver bold investments in clean energy to the American people. There’s no time to waste,” said Andrew Reagan, the Executive Director of Clean Energy for America.

In addition, leaders in the clean energy industry representing billions of dollars in economic impact have released statements supporting the passage of the BBBA and infrastructure package:

Vic Shao, Co-Founder and CEO, AMPLY Power

“Over a hundred years ago, American ingenuity and hard work enabled the rise of transportation fueling infrastructure within 15 years. We are on the cusp of another energy revolution, driven by the same set of dynamics. But for electric vehicles to truly gain mass adoption, the infrastructure required to refuel these vehicles has to be rolled out at scale, like AMPLY’s Omega Charge Management System. The Build Back Better Act will help drive implementation of infrastructure investments across the nation while creating good jobs and averting runaway climate change.” 

Kiran Bhatraju, Founder, Arcadia Power

“When given the opportunity, communities will choose a clean energy future. We see it day in and day out -- but we need investments from the federal government to ensure this opportunity is truly available for all. The Build Back Better Act includes exactly this type of investment and, once passed, will set our country on a better energy path that tackles climate change and reimagines how we power our communities.”

Jon Powers, President, CleanCapital

"Bold, generational investments in clean energy and climate solutions like those included in the Build Back Better Act are a crucial part of the path to a net-zero future that will create jobs and put us on track to solve the climate crisis. By spurring innovation that will provide businesses, schools, non-profits, and municipalities with affordable renewable energy, these investments will rapidly speed up the clean energy transition and unleash significant private sector funds. Furthermore, they will provide unparalleled opportunities to create jobs in areas like American manufacturing for veterans seeking a new career. Veterans, like myself, are already a major part of the growth of clean energy and by passing the Build Back Better Act, Congress will make an important down payment to protect our nation’s heroes.

Tom Matzzie, Founder and CEO, CleanChoice Energy

“Technology innovations in clean energy hardware, software, and the cloud have created an opportunity to build a rapidly growing clean energy economy that works for everyone. The Build Back Better Act will help companies like ours rapidly expand access to clean energy, provide good-paying jobs, and speed the transition to a clean energy future. Now is the time to pass a bold package like this; Congress must work expeditiously to get this done for the American people, our businesses, and our planet.”

Tom Soto, Founder and Managing Director, Diverse Communities Impact Fund

“When President Biden urged Congress to pass big, bold investments in the clean energy economy, he made a clear call for tackling our nation’s history of environmental injustice. The historic Build Back Better Act does just that by creating a Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator to fund projects across the country -- 40 percent of which will benefit those communities who have largely been left on the economic sidelines. This package changes that. There is still much work to be done to ensure affordable energy, clean air, and a livable climate for all communities, but by passing the BBBA Congress can take a first step toward a more equitable and sustainable future.”

Cathy Zoi, CEO, EVgo

The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is happening, and the deployment of EV charging infrastructure will create jobs and combat climate change,” said Cathy Zoi, CEO of EVgo. “EVgo commends the Build Back Better Act’s focus on both consumer and infrastructure incentives which are needed in tandem to make Electric for All a reality.”

Sheldon Kimber, CEO, Intersect Power

“The Build Back Better Act is a huge step forward in meeting President Biden’s climate goals. But meeting them is going to take collective will, some social consensus, and leadership from the government and the private sector, and I hope that Congress finds the will to pass this legislation. As the leader of a clean energy company, we are ready to build the infrastructure we need to save the planet but we need the support outlined in the BBBA to do it. As a nation, we’ve accomplished great things with collective will, and I know we can do it again.” 

Billy Parish, CEO Mosaic Energy

“Arizonans are living on the frontlines of the climate crisis, and it is destroying our communities, burdening our families, and devastating our economy. By investing in clean energy, we can create thousands of good-paying jobs in our state while protecting our iconic landscapes. The investments outlined in this new framework present a clear opportunity for Arizona, and businesses like mine, to continue leading in the clean energy industry, and I encourage Congress to pass this bill and provide a jolt to our economy at the most critical time.”

Dan Shugar, founder and CEO, Nextracker

“The transition to a clean energy economy fueled by solar and other renewables is not optional, it is an imperative. Investments made by the Build Back Better Act will deliver more affordable energy and transformational results to ensure that future generations have reliable power, good-paying jobs, and clean air. This means Congress must act now to cement a better future for our country and our planet. We look forward to working with them to make this happen.”

Scott Moskowitz, Director of Public Affairs, Q CELLS America

“American solar manufacturers are ready to help America pass the Climate Test and ensure our clean energy future is built at home. We’re at a pivotal moment to accelerate the growth of the clean energy economy and to re-shore every step of the solar supply chain. With the Build Back Better Act, we can make sure that manufacturing workers in Georgia and around the country lead the world in building the clean energy future. The Build Back Better Act has the potential to be transformative—creating millions of clean energy jobs, reducing energy bills, and transforming how we power the planet for generations to come.

In recent weeks, CE4A has led efforts urging Congress to make big, bold investments in the clean energy industry. More than 500 clean energy business leaders, workers, entrepreneurs, and investors across the United States sent letters to Congress making the business case for clean energy investments including a national letter from clean energy sector business owners from 34 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico and letters from energy leaders in Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Texas, and Washington. These business leaders know that investments in clean energy will help their companies grow, deploy innovative new technologies to power our communities, and employ millions of people in new, good-paying jobs. 

CE4A leaders and letter signers are available for comment.


Clean Energy for America amplifies the voice of the clean energy workforce in advocating for policies and leaders to advance just, equitable, and rapid decarbonization. 


ICYMI: Clean Energy Leaders Applaud House for Passing Build Back Better Act With Historic Investments in Clean Energy


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