Clean Energy Business Leaders Support Vice President Kamala Harris for President

WASHINGTON, DC With the clean energy transition at stake in this election, clean energy business leaders and members of the Clean Energy for America network, located across the country, threw their support to Vice President Kamala Harris’ bid for the Democratic presidential nomination and to become the 47th president of the United States. The statements of support are copied below, alphabetized by last name.

  • Donnel Baird, chief executive officer and founder of BlocPower: “I have been honored to meet VP Harris multiple times throughout her career. She is extraordinary. She is a singular leader who has remarkable integrity, and I cannot wait until she is president!”

  • Kiran Bhatraju, founder and chief executive officer of Arcadia: “America needs to reindustrialize, build things at home again, lead on AI, and do it all with abundant clean energy. That hard work started with the Inflation Reduction Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, and the CHIPS Act, and all of that progress happened under the Biden-Harris administration. Our country and climate need a leader who will meet the moment, and I fully support Kamala Harris as she runs for president to advance America’s clean energy future.”

  • Devin Hampton, chief executive officer of UtilityAPI: “The Biden-Harris administration has an unparalleled record of success advancing clean energy and of driving growth, opportunity and results. If we’re going to continue delivering on world-leading clean energy we need forward-looking, no-nonsense leaders to keep us moving. Our planet and our economy cannot wait. Kamala Harris is the right leader, at the right time. I wholeheartedly endorse her as our next president of the United States.”

  • Tonya Hicks, president and chief executive officer of Power Solutions, Inc: “I’m excited and proud to be supporting Vice President Kamala Harris for the presidency of the United States! She is a proven champion for climate and clean energy, protecting and promoting the historic achievements of the Biden-Harris administration. As a reliable leader, Harris has consistently advocated for policies that protect our health, create jobs, and hold polluters accountable. American clean energy cannot afford to lose the momentum and manufacturing resurgence achieved under the Biden-Harris administration. We need Vice President Kamala Harris to continue leading us toward a sustainable and prosperous future.”

  • Franz Hochstrasser, co-founder and founding chief executive officer of Raise Green: "I am profoundly grateful for President Biden and Vice President Harris’ leadership on fighting the climate crisis. The Biden-Harris administration has enacted the most ambitious climate plan in history, taking over 300 environmental actions. The stakes of this election are unmatched, and we must defeat the radical MAGA agenda that threatens our clean energy economy, undercuts our competitiveness, imperils Americans' energy choices, and weakens our national security. I proudly endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for president. She has proven herself a champion of equitable climate solutions, tirelessly advocating for policies that protect our environment, create good-paying jobs, and hold polluters accountable. Her tie breaking vote for the Inflation Reduction Act has already delivered over 300,000 clean energy jobs nationwide. With her leadership, we can ensure a healthier, more just, and more sustainable future for all."

  • Brandon Hurlbut, co-founder of Boundary Stone Partners: “I am glad to support Kamala Harris for president. She will continue the fight on clean energy and climate, and she will serve the office and the American people with strength, expertise, dignity, honesty and wisdom.”

  • Nick Josefowitz, chief executive officer of Permit Power: “Vice President Harris will deliver clean energy for America. She will deliver good clean energy jobs; she will reduce air, water and climate pollution; she will help Americans save money on their bills and power their lives with more reliable electricity; and she will do so affordably. She is the leader we need in the White House.”

  • Dawn Lippert, chief executive officer of Elemental Excelerator and founding partner of Earthshot Ventures: “Entrepreneurs and innovators are building the future of our country, building affordable clean energy and ensuring American competitiveness in technology, manufacturing, and artificial intelligence. These efforts have been buoyed by leading policies championed by the Biden-Harris administration, and the results are clear: more than $125 billion of investment and more than 300,000 jobs created. Vice President Harris has played a critical leadership role, and I am so excited for her to lead as our next president: unleashing the ingenuity of entrepreneurs in every corner of America."

  • Rose McKinney James, managing principal of Energy Works, LLC: “As a longtime supporter of Vice President Kamala Harris, I am honored to endorse her for the presidency of the United States. Kamala Harris is experienced, smart, strong, thoughtful, and impassioned, advocating for clean energy workers, customers, businesses, and communities. She understands the transformative power of clean energy technologies. It's time for the industry to unite and support her vision. I am proud to endorse her.”

  • Jon Powers, president and co-founder of CleanCapital: “Under President Biden's leadership, we passed the most monumental federal policy to scale the clean energy transition and address the climate crisis. Kamala Harris’ leadership will continue this legacy and guide our country’s efforts to increase clean energy deployment while creating next generation American jobs. The choice for president represents a stark contrast, and I am endorsing Kamala Harris to invest in our future.”

  • J.W. Postal, chief executive officer of WATTMORE Corporation: “Americans from coast to coast are worried about the impact of higher energy prices, dramatic storms wiping out their homes, dirty air and water impacting their kids' health. Kamala Harris will be a leader for all of our families on these critical issues. I could not be more excited to support Vice President Kamala Harris to make history!”

  • Dan Reicher, former U.S. assistant secretary of energy at the U.S. Department of Energy and director of climate change and energy initiatives at Google: "Kamala Harris has what it takes to not only build on President Biden’s strong clean energy record, but also accelerate the critical battle against climate change and the important growth of U.S. green businesses."

  • Javier Rúa, president, JRJ Consultants & Legal Advisors, LLC: “As president, Kamala Harris will defend the Inflation Reduction Act, the most consequential piece of legislation to combat the global climate crisis ever put forth by any U.S. administration, and perhaps any nation. This, by itself, is reason enough to wholeheartedly support her. But one cannot deny that her historic bid as the first woman of color to vie for the presidency fills one with hope about the possibilities and bright future of this idea called America.”

  • Steph Speirs, founder of Solstice and board director of Vote Solar: “As attorney general, Kamala Harris obtained a criminal indictment of the company responsible for a coastal oil spill in California. When she was San Francisco's district attorney, she created the nation's first environmental justice unit. As Vice President, she helped pass climate legislation that created 300,000 jobs and counting across America. Kamala Harris has stood up for climate justice her whole career and is the clean energy champion we need in the White House.”

  • Tom Soto, founder of Latimer Partners, LLC: “At no point in the history of our country has destiny so called upon the American people to embrace leadership from a new generation, one facing the most tremendous challenge in the history of humanity: climate change. Vice President Harris and President Biden have not only embraced this challenge, but they have done so with sound and exact policy and economics, addressing the vast and extreme impacts of climate, and all while creating 15 million jobs through their Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure and CHIPS Bills. It is with great honor and privilege to be able to endorse a long time and proven champion for environmental justice, climate, job creation and national energy security, Vice President Kamala Harris to be our next president of the United States of America.”

  • Basil Seggos, former commissioner of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation: “Vice President Kamala Harris dedicated her life to prepare for this moment in history. With the fate of our planet at stake in the 2024 election, there is no greater candidate than Kamala Harris to become the next President of the United States. Not only will Kamala Harris carry forward the monumental climate, clean energy and environmental achievements that she and President Biden secured, she is poised to elevate this commitment to the next level. That will mean a continued boom in renewable energy jobs, healthier communities, and cleaner air and water for all. I look forward to celebrating as Kamala Harris shatters the glass ceiling as America’s first woman president!”

  • Jason Salfi, CEO of Dimensional Energy: “Vice President Harris understands that the United States must be at the forefront of the clean energy transition and all Americans must benefit. Her work with President Biden to support American readiness has unlocked necessary investment in new businesses and jobs in communities across the political spectrum. This focus on the country's future must continue, and I support her bid to be president of the United States at this critical time."




Clean Energy for America: CE4A is the voice for the clean energy workforce, a broad coalition of clean energy stakeholders, who overwhelmingly support ambitious action on climate to grow our economy and create jobs. Clean Energy for America is of, for, and by the rapidly emerging clean energy workforce. Led by some of the most influential leaders across the industry, CE4A has operations across the country, mobilizing the clean energy industry for grassroots engagement – carrying forward the momentum and demand for a clean energy economy.


Alyssa Cortes,


Update from CE4A: The Next 105 Days


Leading Environmental and Climate Organizations Endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for President